Thursday, June 30, 2011

CSA Radishes

We belong to a Community Supported Agriculture group and split a share with our neighbor. Every other Tuesday we pick up our veggies.  These radishes were from our first pickup.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Two Apples on Blue Glass Plate

I started off this day feeling "all thumbs", so I did four ten minute studies of these apples just to warm up. Then, when I went to paint them it all came together.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Apricots on Blue Glass Plate

I have this small blue glass plate that has nice reflective and translucent qualities. I've used it in several paintings and it always seems to work.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Orange Slices on Blue Glass Plate


This painting along with several others can be seen at the Buttondown Gallery in Glens Falls between July 9th and Sept. 4th.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Yellow Pepper Reflected

I hope this painting expresses the fun I had in doing it. This one can also be seen at the Clement Art Gallery in Troy later this summer.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Red Apple on White Plate

Blogging is a solitary task. I post my paintings from my house usually early in the morning and then go on with my day, hopefully painting. It's on the web and it's done. Showing your work in a gallery is another experience. People come to the show, you go to the reception and talk about your paintings to the people who visit. Maybe you say the same things or talk in more general terms. Both are good ways to share what you are doing. This painting along with the next few posts can be seen at the Clement Art Gallery & Frame Shop in Troy, NY later this summer.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Plein Air Painting

Our second weekend of the Plein Air painting workshop was a washout. So we took our original paintings from last weekend and repainted them inside.  What I learned other than admiring the tenacity of those Plein Air artists is that value and temperature are the key to landscape painting. In this painting I added my interpretation of the colors.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tomatoes on the Vine

Tomatoes are challenging. There isn't a big gradation in the qualities I look for when painting.  These qualities of value, saturation, and temperature are what help me decide how to paint an object. So it took me a while and several repaintings to figure them out. I also changed the bowl, which was white, to a stainless steel one because I thought the reflections made the painting more interesting.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Two Red & One Yellow Pepper

I'm in the middle of a two-weekend workshop with landscape painter Ann Larsen. Since it is so beautiful here in the northeast during the summer I thought I'd try to get outside and paint. My workshop paintings are just studies so here is a little still life painting done earlier.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yellow Pepper and Purple Tulips

 My studio at home is small but it has everything I need.  I'm set up by a large window and on sunny days get lots of natural light to mix my colors and to paint by. When I'm sitting there I can look outside and see the changing shadows made throughout the day. This still life was set up under a small halogen spot light and reflected the dappled shade of my yard.