Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Vacation Drawings

I went to Florida for 10 days to visit my mother and my husband met us there so we could all be together for Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to be with her. She's 93, vibrant and so sharp. We had a great time. Thanks mom. I couldn't not draw every day. Above are two of my drawings. The hand was inspired by the article The Drawing Board in this month's The Artist Magazine.

Three Apples

I'm back from vacation and happy to be painting again. Today these three red delicious apples were painted larger than life with a 1" bright brush. I pushed the darks and tried to get the shape in as few strokes as possible. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Red High Heels

I've changed my mind about these red shoes, actually about the background color. The painting is now more about the shoes and less about the message. 

It's a good feeling when you've realized your vision. My goal was to reference Wayne Thiebaud in this painting. He always made me think of the objects and people isolated in his paintings in a personal way. Likewise, I hope these shoes and their background makes you think of the wear on the shoes and the woman who wore them.

Below is an art show I'll be participating in through November, opening this weekend at the Uncommon Grounds in Saratoga Springs, NY.