Saturday, December 31, 2022

Most viewed 2022

 These are some of my most viewed images from 2022.

Thank you for a wonderful year and best wishes for a Happy New Year.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Focal Point

 24" x 24" in. oil on canvas 
 It took me a while to finish this painting. I had to adjust the shadows. I finally also photoed this painting. Taking a picture outside made the image too blue. I ended up going into my studio using all my overhead lights. This image is very close and I'm finally happy. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Focal Point


Here's a large painting that is almost done. I'm giving it a rest and will come back to it and make any final fixes. It's 24" x 24" and was a lot of fun to paint. I'm calling it Focal Point because I see these objects leading my eyes up to the stacked cups. Anyway, my title can't name all the objects as I usually do, that would be too long!