I am so glad we have made it through tropical storm Irene. My thoughts go out to those who didn't fair as well and to those who are still without power. I hope my painting will bring some cheer.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Black-eyed Susans
This spring I bought this plant for my garden so I'd be able to paint it when it flowered. I'm glad I got the chance to paint the flowers. They are pretty in these colored jars. I have one more flower yet to paint from my garden and that's the Rose of Sharon. My Rose of Sharon bush is almost out of blooms so I'll have to work quickly.
6" x 6" -oil on canvas art board,
amber glass jar,
black-eyed susans,
blue glass jar,
still life
Thursday, August 25, 2011
A Toast to the Happy Couple
I've had this green glass goblet for a while. It's been sitting on my shelf waiting for me to paint it. I think the title of the painting goes with the anniversary theme I've been working on. This will be the last cantaloupe painting I'll do for the couple who commissioned these "can't elope" paintings.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Cantaloupe Reflection
This is another painting of cantaloupes for my commissioned work Can't Elope. These two slices could be viewed as blocked from eloping or their reflection could be holding them back. Up for interpretation I guess. Anyway, my desktop died last Friday and today I have a new laptop, a MacBook Pro. Oh how I love it. Now I can post again.
6" x 6" -oil on canvas art board,
blue glass plate,
stainless steel bowl,
still life
Friday, August 19, 2011
Red Apricots and Cherries
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Mill Road 3

Saturday, August 13, 2011
This painting was inspired by my receiving a commission. Actually, my first commission. I was asked for a painting to celebrate a couple's anniversary depicting the theme of their wedding. Yes, you got it, Can't-Elope. I'm attempting to paint several different versions on this theme to offer them a choice.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
How I Frame My Pictures
I've added a section to my blog (probably to the right of this post) about how I frame my paintings. It's an alternative to purchasing expensive frames or having them professionally done. I use floating frames and buy them on sale, in bulk, from the usual online catalogs. It took me a while to learn how to do them, but if you need to frame your paintings for a show and need to do several then this is a cost-effective method.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Congress Park

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