Remember, I wrote a
post about a friend giving me a box of glass objects and it felt like Christmas in September?
Included in the box was a large, deep purple vase. I didn't think I could use it because I don't usually paint such dark objects other than plums.
In the meantime, I renewed my subscription to the Artist's magazine and discovered a pastel artist whose work moved me,
Arlene Richman (check out her chair paintings!). The article was called Chromatic Compositions and it included the piece below.
I saw all the colors I liked, including the deep purple vase, and knew I had the other colored objects in my still life stash.
I set this still life up in my light box and tried to capture the feeling of the pastel painting which inspired it.
Below is my drawing which I drew from a grid and adjusted it to paint from life.
Yesterday I painted the orange and today completed the lower left hand corner. I'm hoping I can figure out the colors of the vase. I have to work on seeing it abstractly and not what my mind tells me to do.
If anyone can give me some color options for the vase, I would love to hear your thoughts.