Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Usual Suspects

This painting is finally completed and I'm happy with it. I might have said that toys are a strange thing to paint in an earlier post. I found the process of finding them and painting them so much fun. They filled a need at the time (the loss of my dog) but not anymore. I'll either put them away or donate them and hope they make someone else happy.


  1. This is really lovely! So soft and cuddly. Sorry to hear about your dog.

  2. Well, I have enjoyed your toy series, this one included, well done.

  3. Oh Robin! I love how it turned fun and did a wonderful job!! :)

  4. Wow...I don't know what to say so I will try some words out....
    Cheerful and thoughtful, nostalgic and completely current....
    For some reason I see a time line of childhood or memory. I'm not sure....They are both alive and animated and also still and dormant.
    I think this painting is full of interpretations.

  5. Amazing painting and healing process. Your dog would be proud. The lion is my favorite but I really love the whole thing. Great job! This painting made me smile.
